
I Finally Have One Computer That Works

I made the mistake of going to school for computers. I was pursuing a degree as a Microcomputer Specialist CIS. Now here is the problem everybody I know thinks they can just dump there computers here because Im a peon and only work 2 hours a day. I think they think I just sit on my ass and do nothing with the rest of my time WRONG! I am raising 2 kids and have other things I need to do. So now I have an office full of computers and then mine went down and now the only one in the house that works is a 700 mHz laptop that is very slow. I feel like banging my head on something. This is why I have not been following up on one of the pastimes I actually enjoy Blogging!!!

When will it end!!!!


I did however take some time on sunday to watch the Sopranos I can't believe uncle Junior shot tony, can;t wait to see what happens this week.


At 3/21/2006 8:32 PM, Blogger Cary Kostka said...

Welcome to my world. Every family outing for the past ten years has turned into a cheaper version of "Geek Squad". I have more pc's to fix than free days to do them. Maybe I should've been a pig farmer instead of a desktop tech.

At 3/21/2006 8:49 PM, Blogger Izbaby said...



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