
A Compliment To Aaron's Carbon Post

So when the heck did the Journal start publishing "The Green Pages"?

Lets take a look see... a whole guide for Earth Day. When is that again...

I try to do my part but I ain't no hippy treehugger.

The article has the following tips to be resourceful I have also added my input which I always do. Enjoy!

Don't replace when items can be repaired.
no keep the old dryer to hide your kids Christmas presents in.

Choose durable, long lasting products.
I buy plastic so that when I cook in it I can consume the dioxins and further hinder my kidney function.

Select products with less packaging
I shop at Sam's club so I don't have to worry about the plastic grocery bags getting caught in my maple tree.

Buy locally produced items
Well as seeing that unions have destroyed the workforce in this country the closest local place is china, so yeah I buy locally.

When comparing products check the company website to compare environmental policies...
Is there really chicken in mock chicken legs?

Rent or borrow items that are only occasional needed.
Does purchasing a big screen TV for the big football game and returning it count?

This is only part of it there is a big section all about how one can do things to save the environment.

Aaron has made reference to a calculator to determine how much carbon one is emitting into the environment take a look.


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