
Back In The Day

Remember when you were a little kid when you looked at stuff and found something really cool. You asked for it for every birthday and Christmas but never got it. I was in target today wandering the toy isles with the kids and spotted something that I have not seen in eons. Sea monkeys yeah that's right I said sea monkeys. I used to get comic books when I was a kid and there would always be some sort of ad in there for these things but no one in my family knew what they were until I mentioned it to my bizarre uncle. He told me he had them when he was little. By the looks of the ad it looks like they could do some pretty cool stuff and bam I was totally into it. My uncle said that you mail in for the critters and then you hatch them in your little sea monkey habitat. Anyhow I asked and asked for these but never got them. Well later in my adult life I started a large aquarium with tropical fish the dealer told me that these fish like live food. At the time I was keeping Discus, I asked what they liked to eat they said black worms and "sea monkeys" I was like sea monkeys? Show me what they look like, then I finally saw that they were brine shrimp. Now I know why I never got them as a gift they are weird looking and resemble nothing like the comic book ads stated I think there is a conspiracy here we should get those sea monkey people for false advertising.


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