
That Darn Watch Again!

Back in December I had another blog called Me and 2 Kids. I originally posted a rant about how selfish my daughter can be at times. This I normal I have read.
Well recently I did a podcast with a fellow blogger who I will allow to remain nameless for the sake that he caused the rehash of this particular event.
Anyway this past x-mas my family spent a small fortune on my 2 children my daughter who is 6 and my son who is 3. I would say they received about 800 - 1000 worth in presents. I had to exchange a few of the items due to being the wrong size. I want to kohls I would say 3 days after x-mas or so. Upon exchanging these said items my daughter see's this pokemon watch and brgs me for it. I said no and explained to her that she just got a whole lot of goodies from "Santa" well this turned into a fierce temper tantrum and we left the store without the watch.
Well the watch reared its ugly head again on Wednesday night when we were doing the pod cast and again on Friday when I went to the store again to take care of a check issue. I just cant believe that the mention of an item could bring on such terror. I stood my ground and again I left the store without the watch.


At 5/14/2006 9:46 PM, Blogger Aaron said...



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