
Why couldn't this happen to us?

Ok, I could only be this lucky and If I was I would tell all my friends and say nothing when I went in to pay for my gas. I would consider it payback for all of the times I have gone into a gas station and got "sub-par" service.

From Excite

Malfunction Cuts Gas Price to 29 Cents

HAMMOND, Ind. (AP) - When a pump at a gas station malfunctioned, opportunistic motorists were able to buy gas for 29 cents per gallon. A Marathon station sold a gallon of fuel for less than the price of a first-class stamp for about 90 minutes Friday before the mistake was detected and and the price corrected to $2.79. While still answering questions from customers about why the price had suddenly gone up, clerk Nida Tayyab said more than 50 people had crowded the store, likely thinking the mishap was a price promotion, and received the bargain. Normally, the station serves about 10 people per hour. "I was really confused," she said. "It was so messed up. I can't explain here how it was." When Tayyab figured out what was going on, she called her father, who works at another store, for help fixing the situation. "It's fine now. It's all working," Tayyab added.


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