
GPS For Sex Offenders

I do think this could be a good idea. I have children and I have been to the site that will give exact locations of sex offenders and thank God there are none on my block. Where will the money come from. Most likely another property tax hike. Well it looks like the child pornography criminals will pay a hefty $500 per image charge. The offenders themselves could be made to pay some of the charges. Why not, is this were to give them less prison time they might go for it. I say just put at let's the 1st degree offenders in with the general population and let the psychos take care of them. Most of the most violent criminals can't stand a child molester.

Read the entire Article in todays paper.

At Least We Are #1 At Something

I think we should change the license plates for this one. In the Journal on the front page this morning displays a graphic of a rat. Wisconsin apparently makes the best rodentside.

I will admit it does make me a bit more confident. A few blocks from where I live the old grain solos are being raized for new construction. Surely this place at one time was probably infested with rats and mice and maybe still is. It's good to now that if I have a problem in the future I can get some "Wisconsin Cheddar".


I Didn't Know Overeating Was a Moral Issue

I read this article in the Milwaukee Journal today and found it interesting. It talks about the 10 most common Moral issues. It turns out that Republicans have more morals than that of the Moonbats, but we already knew that.

Getting Things Back To Normal

I know I informed you all that I would be coming up with something new and exciting. Well Life got ahold of me so I have not been active in the Blogsphere. I notice that because of this things have been stressfull. I am assuming that this could be good for my health.

Congrats Aaron!

Wow 10,000 hits that somthing to be said for a blog. I'll never make it :)

Anyway hope you get 10,000 more.



I have managed to turn all of the broken computers in my office to working computers. I am so happy that I can finally blog again. I am doing a we bit of research still to find interesting things that happen in wisconsing I was thinking about posting the stupid laws but that is so cliche. Well back to updating my newly formatted PC. I'm really proud of my self thid time it only took me 2 hours to get it back from the dead!!!


I Finally Have One Computer That Works

I made the mistake of going to school for computers. I was pursuing a degree as a Microcomputer Specialist CIS. Now here is the problem everybody I know thinks they can just dump there computers here because Im a peon and only work 2 hours a day. I think they think I just sit on my ass and do nothing with the rest of my time WRONG! I am raising 2 kids and have other things I need to do. So now I have an office full of computers and then mine went down and now the only one in the house that works is a 700 mHz laptop that is very slow. I feel like banging my head on something. This is why I have not been following up on one of the pastimes I actually enjoy Blogging!!!

When will it end!!!!


I did however take some time on sunday to watch the Sopranos I can't believe uncle Junior shot tony, can;t wait to see what happens this week.


What is Your Irish name?

Your Irish Name Is...

Alannah Healy


Pepe Lives Down Below

I had visual confirmation today that the skunks are no longer hibernating. I also realized that the big hole under my porch is occupied by one of them and according to the neighbor its a big one. Now all I want to know is how do I get rid of it? I have nightmares about being sprayed by one of these things on the job, so if anyone has input which I know some of you will let me know. All satire will be greatly appreciated.

The Cookies Are Here!

My 6 year old is a Brownie and today was the big pickup day for the famous Girl Scout Cookies. This year they offered 2 new cookies and I purchased one of them.

Here is how the cookies I ate so far today tasted now that I can taste and smell food again.

Thanks A Lot: Cute design I expected the cookie to be a lot smaller they are about 2 1/2 inches in diameter like the shortbread variety with a fudgy bottom. Thank you is imprinted on the cookie in various languages, well now if I ever meet anyone that speaks Swahili I will know how to thank them.

I would buy them again Yummy!

bought the standard cant live without them basics like the peanut butter sandwich, thin mints and the caramel delites which by the way by noon my 3 year old and I managed to eat a full box of and now I'm feeling kinda queasy.

FYI to those of you who have not yet bought any cookies they will be doing the selling at various grocery stores in your area.

I Was Allowed Out of My Deathbed Today


There is a nasty flu bug on the loose in Milwaukee and I got it! I have been bed ridden for the past 5 days. I have 2 small children and I still had to be mom. I wouldn't wish this thing on my worst enemy.

Symptoms: starts out like a stomach flu, you will be in fear of leaving the house. You will feel better in 24 hours the toilet will no longer be your best friend. You will feel better and then you will get a horrible dry nagging cough that only mucinex will help. Keep in mind during this whole period you will sustain a fever of no less than 102.9 degrees. Your ass will be dragging.

Hey I survived to tell the tale.


Movie Review

Lord of War: Starring Nicolas Cage. A man born in the Ukraine before the end of the Cold War decides to sell illegal guns to unstable countries. Based on actual events.

This was a good movie the title sequence is pretty cool.

What Song Was #1 On Your Birthday?

A friend of mine sent me this link I though it was kind of cool. You are able to find out what song was #1 on your birthday or other significant date.

My birthday song is Bad, Bad Leroy Brown by Jim Croce